Thursday, 25 August 2011

Plant Physiology By Lincoln Taiz and Eduardo Zeiger

Plant Physiology-Taiz Zeiger (5th Edition)

With this Edition, the authors and contributors set a new standard for textbooks in the field by tailoring the study of plant physiology to virtually every student—providing the basics for introductory courses without sacrificing the more challenging material sought by upper-division and graduate-level students. Key pedagogical changes to the text will result in a shorter book. Material typically considered prerequisite for plant physiology courses, as well as advanced material from the Second Edition, will be removed and posted at an affiliated Web site, while many new or revised figures and photographs (now in full color), study questions, and a glossary of key terms will be added. Despite the streamlining of the text, the new edition incorporates all the important new developments in plant physiology, especially in cell, molecular, and developmental biology.
The Third Edition's interactive Web component is keyed to textbook chapters and referenced from the book. It includes WebTopics (elaborating on selected topics discussed in the text), WebEssays (discussions of cutting-edge research topics, written by those who did the work), additional study questions (by chapter), additional references, and suggestions for further reading.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Photosynthesis Animation

This is an interactive video dealing with photosynthesis. It does a good job of illustrating the hydrogen ion gradient created during the process.



What is a plant?
Green Algae
Other Algae
Algal Evolution
The conquest of the land
Bryophytes - morphology & life cycles
Bryophyte spore dispersal
Plants of the Carboniferous:  Pteridophytes in perspective
Fern allies
Evolution of seeds
Gymnosperms - an introduction
Introducing the flowering plants
15Flowering plant diversity  

Molecules in Motion

At Molecules in Motion, research scientists, teachers, and students alike can explore and gain a rapid and deep understanding of molecular structure and function from interactive, rotatable 3D molecular structures. We design custom animations, too!

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

"Short term training Programme In Silico approaches for Drug Discovery" at Lucknow University

Short term training Programme
                                In Silico approaches for Drug DiscoverySeptember 9-10, 2011
Organized By
Centre of Excellence in Bioinformatics 
Department of Biochemistry
University of Lucknow 

Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility (Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics) : The Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility (BIF) Centre, under the Biotechnology Information System Network (BTIS) program (funded by Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science & Technology) & Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics (Funded by Department of Higher Education, Government of U.P.) at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Lucknow, are well equipped with various hardwares & softwares, (Servers for Database Application, Desktop Machines, and high speed Internet Connection, Exome Horizon, MATLAB, Discovery Studio, DNA STAR etc.). One thrust area of these centers are to popularize the application of Bioinformatics by organizing training programs and conducting Seminars/Workshops for Teachers/Scientists/ Research Scholars/ Students, which is being conducted on a regular basis. In addition, centers are actively involved in conducting research on Computational Biology, Molecular Modeling, Database Development, Comparative Genomics and Proteomics,  Biological data acquisition, creation and development of programmes and databases needed by the users.
Course Content :
  • Sequence alignment
  • Tertiary structure prediction
  • Post structural analysis
  • Basics of Drug designing
  • Ligand preparation
  • Target preparation 
  • Docking of ligand and Target
  • Analysis of docking results
Objective :  The objective of training program is to give exposure to the participants  to concepts, skills and tools of bioinformatics and to provide hands on training on various bioinformatics approaches  such as  basics of drug designing, tertiary structure prediction, and ligand and target preparation through online as well as offline tools and software

About Workshop : Date September 9-10, 2011

Duration : 2 days

Subject of area : Drug designing

Methodology : Lectures, Demos, Hands on session.

Level of participants : Faculty, Research Scholars and Students from College, Universities and research organizations.

Prerequisites : Minimum skill in operation of computer.

No. of participants : 30

Accommodation : Participants have to arrange their own accommodation.

Registration fee : Rs 1500/-

Contact  :
Prof. U.N. Dwivedi
Bioinformatics Infrastructure Facility
Centre of Excellence in Bioinformatics
Department of Biochemistry
University of Lucknow
Phone: 0522-2740132

Deadline : 05.09.2011